Product And Promotional Design (PPD) is a pioneering initiative dedicated to revolutionizing the gifts and premium industry through unparalleled innovation and creativity. Our primary objective is to craft iconic gifts that proudly represent Malaysia on the global stage, concurrently elevating MGPA's standing as a premier gifts solution provider in the market. PPD facilitates a competitive platform that not only recognizes and rewards outstanding creative talents but also offers a pathway for commercialization through strategic collaborations with established local entrepreneurs/manufacturers & of course to our members.
PPD Committee (2023/2026):
Wayne Chan (Advisor)
Eveyln Hew (Advisor)
Veron Wong (Chairman PPD)
Vincent Tan (Committee)
Henry Teoh (Committee)
This dedicated committee ensures the success and impact of PPD, bringing together a wealth of expertise and experience to drive excellence in the realm of product and promotional design.